
Prepare the references using harvard referencing

Prepare the references using harvard referencing style


Creswell, JW 2008, Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Al-Barakati, N , H (2009): The reality of the use of e-learning at Mathematics students in educational preparation program at the University of Umm Al-Qura in Mecca, Scientific Journal of Education, Issue 2, Volume 12, Cairo.

Savery,R. John (2002): Faculty and Student Perceptions of Technology Integration in Teaching, The Journal of Interactive Online Learning, Volume 1, Number 2, ISSN: 1541-4914.

Mashael, A (2008): The reality of the use of e-learning in UK National Schools in Riyadh, unpublished Master Thesis, Faculty Education, King Saud University.

Naif, A ( 2006 ) The obstacles of electronic learning in the ministry of education from the point of view of the educational leaders. Unpublishe master, mota university, Jordon.

Rema, A, ( 2006 ) The reality of using e-learning in teaching English language in the university stage in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The massage of education and psychology magazine.

Parker, R, ( 1997 ) Increasing faculty use of technology teachingand teacher education. Journal of technology and teacher education, USA V5.

Chao, C ( 2001 ) Learning with internet ; Quantities and quantitives analysis of university Students Internet use and perception in Taiwan( china ). The Pennsylvania State university.

Al-Rweli, Z ( 2003 ) The use of the electronic teaching in domestic schools that is applied within Riyadh city from the point of view of teachers and students in the secondary schools. Faculty of Education, king Saud university, Riyadh

Al-Gamal, A ( 2005 ) The challenges face the e-learning in the Egyptian schools. The technology of education magazine.
Dibiase , D ( 2000 ) . " Is distance teaching more work or less work ? " . American Journal of Distance Education , 14 , N 3 , 6 - 20 .

Goodisn,T (Jul 2001) . " The Implementation of Elearning Higher Education in the United Kingdom: The Road Ahead " . Higher Education in Europe , 26

Sakamoto , T ( Mar 2002 ) . " E-learning and Educational Innovation in Higher Education in Japan " . Educational Media International

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