
Prepare the power point presentation slide- what and how

Given is the power point slide presentation.

The slides will have bullets and the notes feature on the bottom of each slide under notes will have details as in a real presentation. To use PowerPoint's note feature, please choose View/Notes from the menu. Smarthinking offers free PowerPoint tutoring for anyone who needs it.

Below is a guideline that I would like to see the power point presentation submitted.

-The guideline is approximately 13-15 slides. Your first slide should be the overview of what all slides are bulleted and your last side your reference page

- Every slide should have a title and clear bullets. You then utilize the note feature to write in paragraph format (choose view/notes from the menu) to provide explanation in paragraph format.

- Prepare the presentation in critical element order. (use order I give below exactly).

Order of presentation slides:

-First slide: Bullet and outline of all of your slide titles..this is just the summary of the what will be on the presentation

-Second slide: Breaking into a global market ( this is critical element one) This slide should address what and how they determine expansion and how they can accomplish. Remember the slide is bullet pointsand the notes explain the bullet points. Remember to discuss methods such as licensing as an example of one..there are several. The notes is right below the powerpoint slide. You may want more than one slide to cover this information in the first critical element.

-A slide on transaction exposure what it is. Then you can provide another slide on how to hedge against it.

- Other slides on translation exposure and one on economic. All of these exposures were covered in previous milestones and you can just take the information from there with my feedback given. You should have one slide for each type of exposure with supporting notes on the exposure and how to hedge against it.

- A slide on financing options which include the varioius types..remember to explain them in your notes.

-A slide on the balance of trade and relationship with China that causes rate flucuations

-Purchasing Parity slide, provide examples here too and what this is. Remember bullets on slide, detail in the notes to explain each bullet

-Slide on arbitrage what it is and types of arbitrage.(all comes from our milestone on arbitrage methods) Remember to bullet how the firm will decide if the potential profits are worth the risk of arbitrage...cover . This would discuss your case if unethical or not here. Incorporate any changes I gave you in the feedback on your milestone grade. this in your notes!

- References slide is last slide!!!


Attachment:- Milestone-Presentation.rar

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Finance Basics: Prepare the power point presentation slide- what and how
Reference No:- TGS01628226

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