
Prepare the marketing strategy


Part 1

Some physician Do Make House Calls

Remember the days long time ago when a physician, carrying their black bag, going to individual patients house to address entirety from childbirth to chick pox. Nevertheless, as a conclusion of a 2001 transformation in Medical benefits, doctors and medical groups practice in making house calls have again become convenient to elderly adults these physicians can supply an multitude of services in the solitude, amenity and accommodation of his or her own home.

Home care Doctors?

A physician that specializes in home calls is commonly board-certified in internal or family medicine, and has considerable experience in a grown-up and geriatric aid. They preform much like a doctor office, but they are devoted solely to making house calls and don't see patients in their practice. Home care medical groups may also comprise board-certified doctor assistants or nurse professional.

Services are offered by a home care physician?

Uttermost homecare physicians offer an inclusive extent of services, outside ordinary examination and on-going preventive care to diagnostic testing and treating serious illnesses. Enhancement in medical technology may grant home care doctors to carry out (EKGs) electrocardiograms and other exams in your home. Commonly physician house call services Contains:

• Examinations

•On-going treatment of medical conditions like heart disease, lung disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease and diabetes

•Portable diagnostic testing

•Medication management and refills

•Referral to physical therapy and specialized rehabilitation services

•Coordination of home care nurses, home health aides and medical equipment

•Physician review for authorization of therapy, home health care, medical equipment and diagnostic testing

Who might benefit from the service of a home care physician?

House calls may be especially helpful for older adults who experience the following challenges:


•Cognitive, psychiatric or emotional instability

•Need to involve home-based caregivers in consultation with my doctor

•Need for someone to assess the home situation

Part 2

1. The plan is simple in the way that the physician will go to patient home and administer in their comfort. They can provide multiple service to the elderly for whom it is difficult to come to hospital.

2. The plan is not complete as the scope for which home call doctor will be appropriate is fuzzy and for some ailment call doctor will not be able to completely administer.

3. The plan is specific, as the targeted persons and service type is fixed. The training is given in such a way to give attention to targeted persons only.

4. The plan is realistic given the doctors get a mode in advertising their offer of call home doctor service and a fixed predefined rate is charged. If this is achieved, their targeted people can effortlessly call them and get their services.

Situation Analysis: With the changes in the medical care benefits there appears to be re-emergence of the traditional old practices of Physicians making home visits to attend to their patients. These physicians are supposed to have multitude skills and may address to wide variety of patients' needs, say from childbirth to chick pox etc.

Doctors and medical groups making home calls are supposed to have considerable experience in a grown-up and geriatric aid and commonly board-certified in internal or family medicine. With the help of technology it is not only possible to collect blood, urine, stool, check BP, pulse, sugar levels etc. but also provide services of professional nurses and board-certified doctor assistants at home.

This practice of Home/ House calls and or Doctors, health care individuals and groups making visits to the places of the patients are found to be very convenient in case of elderly adults and or beneficial to the persons suffering from syndrome of fear, anxiety etc. to visit hospitals and or doctor's clinic.

1. Market Summary: As per my understanding, there is an emerging market of patients and or consumers of wide variety of health care services at the place of their residence. It saves a lot in terms of time and cost to move from the house to the Hospital and or to the Doctor's clinic. These savings may be used to pay some premium for the services received at home. The term home or house may be extended to schools, colleges, office premises where number of patients and or medical health care services or check-ups may be provided to the needy with the help of mobile doctors and medical care professionals. The four/ five Ps of the market may be researched, for the success of these old time-tested trust-worthy relationships between the patients and doctors and or consumers and providers of health care services through the practice of Home Calls.

2. SWOT analysis talks about the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

The system provides strengths to the customers/ consumers to have personal focused attention in a user friendly environment whereas weakness may be in terms of lack of facilities and or on the spot availability of equipment's required by the doctors, particularly in case of emergencies that call upon shifting the patient to the intensive care of hospital staff.

Opportunities are tremendous as mentioned above whereas threats are in terms of loss of Doctors available at the clinics and hospitals and may be replacement of systems.

(Integrated hospital services) approach with the individualistic approach of home call doctor. Real threat may be posing life threat to the patient in case home call doctor is biased in terms of his/her personal earnings over-looking the true needs for clinical attention/ hospitalization.

3. Competition may be among the same class of the Home call doctors and may also between Homes call doctors and the Doctors who do not make home calls. Similarly, there may be competition between the salaried, employed health care workers including physicians and doctors and the professionals having independent profession or business in th field of health care services through home calls.

4. As per my understanding, the products that can be offered through the Home Call system should be of general types and may not be very critical such as posing threat to the life. May be restricted to preliminary investigations and depending on the examination, further treatment may be followed at the specialist's clinics or in the hospitals.

Using the product-service identified in Week 2 and the Situation Analysis prepared in Week 3, you will now prepare the Marketing Plan's Marketing Strategy, as illustrated in the example plan on pp. 62-63 of your text. (Another example is in the Appendix; however, some of the sections are in a different order.)

At a minimum, the Marketing Strategy must include the following sections (complete), correctly numbered, and labeled. Use the example plan beginning

Answer the following question

0 Marketing Strategy

1 Mission

2 Marketing Objectives

3 Financial Objectives

4 Target Markets

5 Positioning

6 Strategies

7 Marketing Program (Pricing, Distribution, Advertising and promotion, Customer service)

8 Marketing Research

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Marketing Management: Prepare the marketing strategy
Reference No:- TGS02123356

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