Question: Instructions: Provide complete answers to the following two problems:
1. Prepare the General Ledger journal entries for the General Fund for the Village of Bath for the year ended December 31, 2017.
• The budget was formally adopted. Estimated revenues are $3,250,000 and appropriations are estimated to be $3,204,500.
• Revenues were received in the amount of $3,256,500.
• Purchase orders were issued in the amount of $1,690,000.
• Purchase orders were filled in the amount of $1,436,500. The invoice amount was $1,443,000.
• Expenditures, not encumbered, amounted to $1,352,000. (not yet paid)
• Amounts from d and e are paid.
2. The following are GASB's fund balance classifications. Define and give an example of each: Non-spendable, Restricted, Committed, Assigned, and Unassigned.
Paper Requirements: • Submit your responses to the questions in a one- to two-page document in MSWord. Label each question clearly. For computations, please include them in a table.
• For written answers, please make sure your responses are well written.
• Follow the CSU-Global Guide to Writing & APA Requirements.
• The required number of pages for the assignment does not include the title page and references page.