Prepare the balance sheet of the real estate business

Andrea Scarlett is a realtor. She organized her business as a proprietorship, Andrea Scarlett, Realtor, by investing $19,000 cash. The business gave capital to her. Consider the following facts at September 30, 2012.

The business owes $61,000 on a note payable for land that the business acquired for a total price of $83,000.
The business spent $23,000 for a Zinka Banker real estate franchise, which entitles the business to represent itself as a Zinka Banker office. This franchise is a business asset.

Scarlett owes $80,000 on a personal mortgage for her personal residence, which she acquired in 2012 for a total price of $160,000.

Scarlett has $5,000 in her personal bank account, and the business has $9,000 in its bank account.
Scarlett owes $4,000 on a personal charge account with Chico's.

The office acquired business furniture for $15,000 on September 25. Of this amount, the business owes $2,000 on account at September 30.Office supplies on hand at the real estate office total $1,300.

  1. Scarlett was concerned about taxes. Which proprietorship feature limits Scarlett's business taxes?
  2. Prepare the balance sheet of the real estate business of Andrea Scarlett, Realtor, at September 30, 2012.
  3. Identify the personal items that would not be reported on the business records

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Accounting Basics: Prepare the balance sheet of the real estate business
Reference No:- TGS0706793

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