Prepare the aggregate plan to cover six period period 1

Prepare the aggregate plan to cover six period. period 1 forecast 200, period 2 forecast 200, period 3 forecast 300, period 4 forecast 400, period 5 forecast 500, period 6 forecast 200. cost output regular time $2 per skateboard, temp workforce rate $2 per skateboard, overtime $3 per skateboard, subcontract $6 per skateboard, inventory $1 per skateboard per period, back orders $5 per skateboard per period, there are 15 worker every worker produce 20 units every time period. 1 assume level output rate of 300 unit per period with regular time. 2 280 unit per period. 3 100 to hire and train temporary worker that can produce 15 unit per period. With no layoff. Compare the 2 plans. your workforce is 14 with 1 person would retire.

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Operation Management: Prepare the aggregate plan to cover six period period 1
Reference No:- TGS01010693

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