Prepare pro forma financial statement


Conch Republic Electronics

Spent $750.00 to develop a prototype (or Model) for a new PDA

Spent an additional $200,000 for marketing study to determine the expected sales.

Can manufacture the new PDA with variable cost for $86.00 each.

Fixed Costs for the operation are estimated at $3 million per year.

Unit Price $250.00 each

Necessary equipment to produce the PDA will cost $15 million, with depreciation for 7 years MACRS schedule.

It is believed that this equipment after 5 years will be worth $3 million.

NWC will be 20% of Sales

Changes in NWC will occur in Year 1, with the first year sales.

There is no initial outlay for NWC.

Conch Republic Corporate Tax Rate is 35% and has a 12% required return.

Estimated Sales Volumes:

NWC 20%

Year Est.Sales    of Sales
1    70,000       14,000
2    80,000      16,000
3    100,000    20,000
4    85,000      17,000
5    75,000      15,000

Prepare pro forma financial statement and Project cash flows.

Calculate NPV, IRR, Payback period, PI

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Finance Basics: Prepare pro forma financial statement
Reference No:- TGS02051493

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