
Prepare paper on the topic of child prostitution

Assignment task:

  • Introduction: What issue about and why is important to you personally
  • Middle part: Issue with explanations of key points from your research. Make sure you add your comments, also.
  • End/conclusion: What are your five solutions to how the issue can be remedied based on research findings? Please number your solutions. i.e., My first solution is ...the second solution is ...etc. Make sure you write a short paragraph explaining each solution.
  • References: Need 5 Reference sources; if the Internet, please list Web-page, author & title.
  • Extra (if needed ) Appendix: Can include statistical information like graphs, pie charts, etc., interview notes you conducted for additional research, community meeting notes you attended for additional info., helpful info or community resources that you have gathered to help people facing your issue.

Topic: Child Prostitution

I need a three to four-page paper on the topic of Child Prostitution

Note- u can add what I type down to on the paper as well

I chose the issue of child prostitution because many people know it exists. Still, it has not received much attention, or at least there have not been many advocacy efforts or programs to fight this issue. Others also tend to quickly forget the cases reported on the internet, as if they were not alarming issues. Based on my research, child prostitution is a form of child sexual exploitation in which children are forced or coerced into engaging in sexual activity for financial gain. It is a serious crime and violation of human rights, as children cannot give informed consent and are particularly vulnerable to physical, psychological, and emotional harm due to such exploitation. And although parents know that doing so violates a couple of laws and deprives the children of their rights, they still do it with the justification that it is done for their benefit-food on their table and somehow bringing financial freedom. Whatever the reasons, there is not enough justification for indulging in child prostitution. But of course, there are solutions to every problem, such as Education and Awareness Campaigns and Law Enforcement and Legal Action. One of the most effective ways to combat child prostitution is through education and awareness campaigns targeting children and their parents or guardians. These campaigns can focus on educating children about the dangers of prostitution and how to protect themselves from sexual exploitation. Therefore, parents and guardians can also be educated about the signs of child prostitution and how to protect their children from becoming victims. Another essential solution to child prostitution is to focus on law enforcement and legal action. It includes enforcing laws against prostitution, including those that specifically target child prostitution. The police can also work with other agencies, such as social services, to identify and rescue children who are being exploited. Additionally, harsher penalties and longer prison sentences for those who engage in child prostitution can be implemented to deter others from engaging in this illegal activity.

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