Prepare jays negotiation strategy

Reflection Paper

Paper Requirements:

? 4-7 pages (minus title and bibliography page)

? Use @ least 5 different citations (including Getting to Yes)

Choice A: Millenials Getting to Yes

? Introduction Section: The articles below (for Choices A & C) hypothesize that millennials negotiate less. Do you think the Getting to Yes model is an effective approach for millennials to use in their salary negotiations to get more. Give me your thesis, tell me whether or not the Getting to Yes approach is an effective model for millenials.

? Discussion Section:

Tell me what theories/concepts from course readings support your viewpoint.
Compare: What similarities do you find in both Getting to Yes & Millennial Negotiations?
Contrast: What differences do you find in Getting to Yes & Millennial Negotiations?
Discuss any other point(s) you find relevant.
? Conclusion Section:

Reflect and Conclude your point.

Choice B: Compare & Contrast

? Introduction Section: Jim Camp, author of "Start with No," argues that win/win and the Getting to Yes model is not the best approach when negotiating. Based on what you have learned about the Getting to Yes approach, would you agree or disagree with Jim Camp's model of Starting with No.

? Discussion Section:

Compare: What similarities do you find in Getting to Yes & Start with No?
Contrast: What differences do you find in Getting to Yes & Start with No?
Discuss any other point(s) you find relevant.
? Conclusion Section:

Reflect and Conclude your point

Choice C: Jay has just been offered a job with a social sector firm focused leadership and consulting. Jay feels it is an awesome job in his field and will be a great step in his career. Given his experience, education and financial goals (paying school loans, your living expenses, vacation, etc) he believes he deserves a high salary with great benefits (health/dental, retirement, investment, etc). While reviewing the job posting Jay sees that the salary range is $45,000-$65,000. Jay's salary range is between $59,000-$64,000. Jay will be meeting with the HR director next week. The HR Director mentioned to Jay that salary will be the first thing discussed the second interview. Jay has sought our your negotiation advice. Based on what you have learned in the course, what would you advice Jay to do? Structure your paper using the following format:

Prepare Jay's negotiation strategy using the Getting to Yes approach.

Explain & Analyze: Support why you think the strategy you developed for Jay will work. Like the 4th E (Explain & Analyze) in your journals, use the course readings to explain your negotiation strategy for Jay.
Conclusion: Reflect and conclude your paper.

Articles for Choices A & C

Articles for Choice B

Jim_Camp Start with No PDF (handout given in class on 2/16)

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