
Prepare inmates to re-enter society

Case Problem:

I would remove any and all weight lifting programs, yard time, sports such as basketball, and access to writing equipment, such as pens or pencils.  When I think of prison I imagine hard time being served.  Only the necessities should be provided and educational programs that will prepare the inmate back into society.  Yard time simply provides time for most inmates to set or start criminal activities.  Pens and pencils simply provide most inmates the chance to further these criminal activities to the outside communities.  I don’t believe inmates should have the right to communicate to the outside world.

The only programs I would add or stress, would be education and work programs. These programs would prepare inmates to re-enter society as a more productive member and possibly stop reoffending chances.

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Business Law and Ethics: Prepare inmates to re-enter society
Reference No:- TGS01874398

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