
Prepare in detail the kind of support the it professionals


We are living in unprecedented times and the current pandemic has exposed the strength and weakness of the global supply chain system in the world.

The Canadian government is looking for help from suppliers and manufacturers to provide Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE).

ANX is an automotive ancillary manufacturer head officed in Germany with plant facilities in Bradford, ON. It is exploring to retool its Branford operations to produce respirators and face shields for the Canadian government. With support of the Canadian government - finance, labour, immigration etc., ANX has been given approval to go ahead with the retooling.

While the plant has good management and skilled workers, it does not have skilled design engineers to retool the plant; and IT professionals to program the automated manufacturing facility. To fill the skills gap, ANX has identified a team of design engineers from Germany and IT professionals from Infosys, India to help with this project. The Government of Canada has given special approval to allow 15 design engineers from ANX, Germany to travel to Canada.

As the Executive Vice President, Global People & Culture of ANX, Germany:

i. Prepare detailed plan to relocate 15 design engineers from Germany to Canada for 6 months.

ii. The IT professionals from Infosys will work virtually from India for the first 3 months before they join the Canadian team of ANX. Prepare in detail the kind of support the IT professionals should be provided.

iii. After the initial 6 months project, 5 design engineers and 5 IT professionals will be based in Branford, ON for the next 3 years. Prepare a detailed plan on how to manage this phase of the project.

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HR Management: Prepare in detail the kind of support the it professionals
Reference No:- TGS03284117

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