
Prepare final submission for class incorporating input

Case Analysis

Instructions on the Steps in doing a Case Analysis

1) Individual preparation (see below) - read the case, any questions and prepare your individual answers (may want to access external sources for relevant info) .

2) Group preparation- meet as a group (physically or virtually with communication channel) and combine the individual inputs to prepare a better submission (synergy)

3) prepare the draft submission

4) circulate to group for review (comments, editing for consistency/cohesion, additional material..)

5) prepare final submission for class incorporating input.(ensure all members have a copy and agree as final copy)

6) participate in large group (whole class) discussion on case (may be presentation, questions) The Richard Ivey School of Business recommends this approach for individual case preparation:

1) Part 1: Size up the case (quick) - read opening & ending paragraphs - Who, what, when, why, where - quick look at case exhibits - quick review of case sub-titles - skim case body - read assignment questions (if provided)

2) Part 2:Analyze and solve the case - read the entire case - apply the case solving process

a) define the issue(s)

b) analyze the case data (key case information, list any assumptions)

c) generate alternatives

d) select decision criteria

e) analyze and evaluate alternatives

f) select preferred alternative (recommendation)

g) develop an action plan and implementation plan.

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Marketing Management: Prepare final submission for class incorporating input
Reference No:- TGS01755332

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