Summarize Michigan's current view of affirmative action as it relates to university student admissions. Compare it to other states.
Regardless of whether you agree with the correct view on admissions, do you think universities should be allowed to take race and gender into consideration when hiring faculty in order to foster diversity? Do you think they should be required to? What are the benefits? What are the disadvantages? Do you feel different depending on which university it is? Does that matter. Describe If the law allowed it, and a university wanted to consider race and gender when choosing its faculty, what guidelines would you develop for the human resources department to ensure the program worked? Think about what you discussed related to FMLA. Consider how you protect from misuse and how you still ensure "equal opportunity?" The goal, here, is to create guidelines that other universities would want to replicate.
- Prepare concise, written responses for each issue and point out any contingencies that should be considered.
- Write in an essay format, not directly to your boss.
- Include the following headings before each response: Michigan's View on Affirmative Action; Critical Evaluation; Guidelines Discussion
- Refer to and use APA style, Purdue OWL or the APA 6th Edition Style Guide are acceptable sources.
- The basic formatting includes: double-spaced text, one-inch margins, and Times New Roman 12 point font.
- Do not include a cover page.
- Include your first and last name in the header.
- Include page numbers in the footer.
- Cite at least four reputable sources throughout your paper. You are welcome to have more!
- Include associated references at the end of your paper. You do not need to start a whole new page for your references; simply include them at the end.
- While there is no page limit, it is likely that a strong response will be between 4 and 8 pages. Your paper may be shorter or longer.