
Prepare and submit an annotated bibliography of the

Prepare and submit an annotated bibliography of the majority of scholarly sources you will use to write your research paper.

The annotated bibliography will contain at least 12-15 scholarly sources to be used as the foundation for your research paper.

You are not restricted to these resources and are encouraged to use more as needed when you write your paper. Wikipedia is prohibited from use as a scholarly source. In addition, Internet web page sources are limited to 3.

Your annotated bibliography should contain 12-15 scholarly sources (not from your textbook). Write an annotated bibliography in American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition format, including a title page, 1-inch margins all the way around, in Times New Roman 12 point or Arial 11 point font.

• Bisignani, D., & Brizee, A. (2013). Annotated bibliographies.Owl Purdue Online Writing Lab.

• Cornell University Library. (2013). How to prepare an annotated bibliography.

Below are my Topic and Abstract and some references.


Preparedness and Readiness: Organizations need to adopt Resilient Planning, Implementation, and the Decision-Making Process in order to respond to threats all around society.


Hazards and risks can be experienced in any place worldwide. Threats and disasters are uncalled for, and normally, difficulty arises in preparing any community for disasters. Emergency and disaster planning involves a co-ordinated and co-operative process of preparing to match urgent needs with the available resources. Lack of emphasis on relationship building and organizational magnitude in readiness and response to disasters has led to a grander policy focus on community resiliency as a paramount methodology to disaster response. Emphasize on trust, relationship and engagement are viewed as the core competencies for disaster preparedness and recovery.

Keywords: disaster, emergency planning, disaster preparedness, disaster recovery

Resilient planning is an estimated procedure that on many occasions is more than systemized common sense. It is a participatory process since it involves collective efforts. According to Tierney (2009), emergency plans ought to be inscribed in the light of the prevailing legal code.

The success of any plan depends on its pragmatic level and how realistic it is (Ford, & King, 2015). The use of resources not available leads to an emergency plan failure. Procrastinations and delays might lead to catastrophic events that could have been prevented. Therefore, training and experience are required in formulating a successful emergency plan. Upon Implementation of emergency planning in organizations, the cost of disaster recovery could be minimized.

A plan deficiency could be construed as laxity in the face of obvious needs to protect the public. Some emergency managers, however, debate this motion, stating plans tend to be gratuitously precautionary and spontaneous retort is stronger. Military strategists from Napoleon Bonaparte to Dwight D. Eisenhower have renowned that, when preparing for war, plans have less or minimal worth, but planning is indispensable (Copeland, 2008). This indicates the significance of the preparation process.

Disasters have different effects on different organizations and societies. Difficult decisions concerning possible disasters, therefore, have to be made. The threats might be natural or anthropogenic. Depending on its nature and hazardous level, an organization can decide whether or not to invest in the emergency planning of the disaster (Kantur, & Iseri-Say, 2012).

In conclusion, disaster and emergency planning is vital for any organization. High losses can be endured if an organization was not prepared for an incident and this could lead to termination of the organization.

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