
Prepare and present a business plan for a new internet

Aim: The aim of this task is to challenge students with a real life situation, and to give them the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the covered topics

o prepare and present a business plan for a new Internet company oran existing company that has yet to develop a website. The e-business plan should consist of three parts: a written plan, an accompanying oral presentation, and a prototype of your proposed website. The proposed Internet businessshould have a strong potential for profitability.

Prepare a presentation based on the following hypothetical situation. The Sydney City Council has recognised that the city needs new online business strategies to attract the public. They are offering a start up grant of $10 000 to a business operator who can convince them that they have an idea for a successful online business to be opened.You are a resident of Sydney who has an idea for an online business opportunity. In order to apply for the grant, you must prepare a business plan and present it to the Council which shows your understanding of the online market. E-Business plans are explained in the Companion Website in detail, please base your report format on the samplereport in your companion website chapter 12 (https://wps.prenhall.com/bp_turban_introec_3/167/42818/10961612.cw/index.html ). Written Plan: The written plan should contain the following elements:

An Executive Summary: A concise review of the main objectives and recommendations to becovered in the plan. (1 page maximum)A Table of Contents: This should make it easy to locate specific issues. Neither this nor theExecutive Summary count toward your page limit.A Preface: It should briefly summarize the main issues facing your organization that will beaddressed by your marketing plan. (Suggested length not to exceed 1 or 2 paragraphs)A Brief Situation Analysis: It should highlight the key points that the organization shouldconsider. Your analysis should include 1) the organization's objectives and abilities, 2) thecomposition and size of the customer base, 3) appropriate target markets for their products, 4)the likely activities of competitors, and 5) alternatives to the organization's products. Thissection should tie the key aspects of the situation analysis together with a "SWOT" analysis.This analysis summarizes the organization's Strengths and Weaknesses along with theOpportunities and Threats that it faces. (Suggested length: 3 pages plus exhibits)

Goals and Objectives: You should summarize them briefly. It should be possible to measurethe organization's performance with respect to them and, to the extent possible, quantified.You should identify both short-term and long-term objectives. (Suggested length: 1 page)The Strategic Approach: You should state your organization's value proposition and thestrategic approach that will be adopted. You should determine whether the organization willattempt to differentiate its product (goods or services) or should use price as its principalsource of appeal to the customer. If your organization will be operating in an establishedmarket, you should identify the key competitors and how you will compete against them.(Suggested length: 1 page)The Marketing Mix: You should make recommendations regarding the organization'smarketing mix (the four P's). Among the issues you should consider are:

1) the productdesign and the mix of goods and services to be provided through the Internet, 2) the revenuedrivers and pricing policy, 3) the amount and type of advertising and promotional supportthat should be devoted to build traffic to your site and any promotional activities that will bedesigned to stimulate purchase or use, and 4) how the products should be distributed to thecustomers and how the distribution scheme relates to the other elements of the marketingmix. You should be careful to provide a justification for each of your recommendations.(Suggested length: 4 pages plus exhibits)

A Financial Summary: You should provide a brief summary of the expected financialimplications of your marketing proposal in the text. In the Appendix, you may wish toinclude a sample budget and possibly a sales or revenue forecast. You should explain howyou came up with your estimates. (Suggested length: 1 page plus exhibits)

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Business Management: Prepare and present a business plan for a new internet
Reference No:- TGS01248621

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