
Prepare and explain an efas table for your selected company

1. Prepare and explain an EFAS table for your selected company. Data presented in tables do not speak for themselves. Whenever you present the results of data analysis, you must interpret the data. What does it indicate? What does it mean? What are the implications?

2. Prepare and explain an IFAS table for your selected company. Data presented in tables do not speak for themselves. Whenever you present the results of data analysis, you must interpret the data. What does it indicate? What does it mean? What are the implications?

3. In Activity 2.3, one member of each team posted a Globalization summary statement to this forum. For this discussion, read the statements on Globalization posted by your fellow class members. Based on these statements, plus any additional research you may have done, how do you feel about the issue of globalization? Do you think it is more positive or negative? Why?

4. Prepare a brief progress report (1 page) on your progress toward completing the strategic audit report. What did you do this week? What problems have you encountered? How do you plan to resolve them? What do you plan to do next week?

5. Working in your assigned teams, locate articles on the Internet about how population demographics are changing in the U.S., and other developed countries.

What are the implications of the changing population demographics for business firms?

What is the replacement birthrate (total fertility rate) for the US, and other developed countries, and what does this mean for business firms?

6. Prepare and explain an SFAS matrix and a TOWS matrix for your selected company. Data presented in tables do not speak for themselves. Whenever you present the results of data analysis, you must interpret the data. What does it indicate? What does it mean? What are the implications?

7. Locate the meaning of the following terms:

Hobson's Choice
False Dilemma
Morton's Fork
Buridan's Ass

What do these terms have to do with strategic management, or strategic decision-making?

8. Your team was assigned to locate articles on the Internet about how population demographics are changing in the U.S., and other developed countries, and then prepare a 1 to 2 page summary of your findings. Using the Assignment link above, one member of your team will submit your team's population demographics summary statement.

9. Prepare a brief progress report (1 page) on your progress toward completing the Strategic Audit Report. What did you do this week? What problems have you encountered? How do you plan to resolve them? What do you plan to do next week?

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Business Management: Prepare and explain an efas table for your selected company
Reference No:- TGS01009790

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