
Prepare and deliver a special occasion speech

Assignment task:

Special Occasion Speech

For this assignment, please prepare and deliver a 3-5-minute special occasion speech. It will need an introduction, body and conclusion and can have 2-4 main points. You will need one outside resource and you must verbally cite your source in the speech at some point. You will also need to complete an outline just like the one in the textbook on pages 203-205 with a work cited section at the end.

Here are some guidelines to follow for your project:

Choose an appropriate topic for a special occasion speech. This can be a speech of introduction, a speech of presentation, a speech of acceptance or a commemorative speech. Here are a few ideas for topics (you are not limited to just these topics):

  • A family member who has impacted you.
  • A toast at a party or wedding.
  • What you would say if you won an award of some kind.
  • The author of the book that changed my life.
  • The doctor that has cured me of a dangerous disease.
  • The tribute presentation to the partner that saved my life.
  • A funeral tribute presentation to a best friend.
  • Someone who, in some way, changed the course of your life, history, etc.
  • An inventor, innovator, politician, doctor, teacher. etc. you admire.
  • A presentation of a tribute to ____ as the best superhero.
  • A tribute to an organization, group, nonprofit entity, etc.
  • What it means to a hero.
  • Be unique - a place, a pet, a person we wouldn't think of

The hardest part of a special occasion speech is usually the introduction so here are some tips to help with that area:

I. Attention Material: To draw the audience's attention to your speech, try a simple story, refer to the occasion, refer to recent or historical events, refer to previous speeches, refer to a personal interest, use a clever quote, use a startling statistic, use an analogy, cite a definition, use of suspense, ask a question, etc.

II. States Listener Relevance: To gain the goodwill of your audience, tell us how this relates to us in a way that all can understand. For this type of speech a statement like, "We all probably ..." is fine.

III. Credibility Material: Generally, in this area, you will establish external credibility by stating why you care, why you can be trusted, or how you know your materials, etc. For this type of speech, show us you are sincere; tell us why you admire this person, place or thing. External sources are especially important to establish your external credibility.

IV. Thesis & Topic Preview: (For example: ________ deserves tribute due to _________________. Today I will tell you first ______________, second _____________ and third ______________.)

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