
Prepare an organization chart for ridell university

RidellUniversity is a large private school located in the Midwest. Theuniversity is headed by a president who has five vice presidentsreporting to him. These vice presidents are responsible forauxiliary services, admissions and records, academics, financialservices (controller), and the physical plant.

Inaddition, the university has managers who report to these vicepresidents. These include managers for central purchasing, theuniversity press, and the university bookstore, all of whom reportto the vice president for auxiliary services; managers for computerservices and for accounting and finance, who report to the vicepresident for financial services; and managers for grounds andcustodial services and for plant and maintenance, who report to thevice president for the physical plant.

Theuniversity has four colleges-business, humanities, fine arts,and engineering and quantitative methods-and a law school.Each of these units has a dean who is responsible to the academicvice president. Each college has several departments.


1. Prepare an organization chart for Ridell University.
2. Which of the positions on your chart would be line positions? Why would they be line positions? Which would be staff positions?Why?
3. Which of the positions on your chart would have a need for accounting information? Explain.

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Accounting Basics: Prepare an organization chart for ridell university
Reference No:- TGS0723435

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