
Prepare an individual mapping change paper your main source

Change Mgmt: Mapping Change Research Paper

1) Individual Paper & Mapping Change: Based on the assigned readings from John Kotter's (2012) work, Leading Change, students will prepare an individual "Mapping Change" paper. Your main source will be the Kotter (2012) text, but you should also use the Managing Organizational Change (Palmer et al. (2009)) text, and at least two other outside sources (other text books, journal articles, or other MUST BE A "scholarly"resources). The paper will use Kotter's 8 Steps to map an imaginary change process.

"Kotter's 8 Steps"
Step One: Communicate Urgency
Step Two: Build a Guiding Team
Step Three: Create a Vision
Step Four: Communicate for Buy-In
Step Five: Remove Obstacles
Step Six: Create Short Term Wins to Provide Momentum
Step Seven: Maintain Momentum
Step Eight: Incorporate Change Into Organizational Culture

Students can use their current employer or a previous one to help imagine the scenario, or may make up an employment scenario. Pick any major change initiative (thinking on examples we have discussed in class or those you have experienced). You will map out the process of implementing that change in the company you select. However students choose to frame the change, it should be mapped out step-by-step, with details about how each step would be engaged and managed. While this is a step-by-step process, this is not an outline assignment and should be submitted in paper form.

The paper should be 7-10 pages, double-spaced, and careful attention should be paid to spelling and grammar, as well as APA formatting.

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Business Management: Prepare an individual mapping change paper your main source
Reference No:- TGS01295387

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