
Prepare an eight slide power point presentation submit both

International Topic Report and Presentation - (Walmart- GAAP vs. IFRS)

1. Write a three to four-page report on your topic. Relate topics from our class to your deliverables. Our conference postings should assist you in completing your deliverables. What would management need to know, informed by accounting, based on your research of the topic? Use headings and a clear communication plan explaining the opportunities, risks, costs, and benefits. This is not a management paper. The topics must focus on international accounting issues.

2. Prepare an eight slide Power Point presentation. Submit both the report and the Power Point presentations for grading.  We won't have a discussion for completed research presentations.

3. The reports should be single-spaced with double spacing between paragraphs. Use one inch margins. Font should be 12 point. Use headings related to topics in our class.

4. Page count does not include copy and paste text or displays (such as a balance sheet).

This is what the paper should be based on.

Since the late 90s, the two main accounting standards that have been in practice are the U.S. GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) and IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).  However, companies within the U.S. is moving toward IFRS. For this course, I would like to focus on some of the methods to help prepare Walmart as they go through a transitional period as they switch from GAAP to IFRS. I would be focusing on cost effective and the benefits of conversion in the US to GAAP.

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Accounting Basics: Prepare an eight slide power point presentation submit both
Reference No:- TGS02353600

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