Question 1. Discuss the environment they operate in (general and task environment -- discuss Porter's forces) (Opportunities and Threats)
Question 2. Prepare an EFAS, IFAS, SFAS
Question 3. [societal] Environment]). This is where 'Opportunities' and 'Threats' are.
Question 4. Discuss their internal structure, their culture, their resources. (This is really their 'Strengths' and 'Weaknesses.'),
Question 5. What strategy do YOU SUGGEST they follow (strategy formulation)?
Question 6. What is their 'corporate strategy' -- if they are a multi-business enterprise?
Question 7. What does their portfolio look like (BCG -- Boston Consulting Group)?
Question 8. Which areas do they want to grow, which do they want to keep stable, and which do they want to scale back from (retrench)?,
Question 9. What 'business strategies' will YOU SUGGEST (low cost leadership, differentiation, focus)?
Question 10. What are some of their 'functional strategies,' which YOU SUGGEST they follow?
Question 11. Discuss some about implementing the strategy -- challenges, tradeoffs, etc.
Question 12. How would you control it (once you have implemented it)