
Prepare an analysis of the external environment

Content /70

Using the Marketing Plan Worksheets as guides, prepare
the following analysis:

1. Provide a Situational Analysis of the current Internal and Customer Environments

2. Research and prepare an analysis of the External Environment

3. Complete SWOT Analysis

4. Develop at least 3 Competitive Advantages based on SWOT analysis

5. Develop a Strategic Focus from the most sustainable competitive advantages.

Format: /10

APA Format Required
Abstract Required
Title Page and Reference Page
Use APA formatted headers and subheads as needed.
A minimum of 6 outside references required.
6-7 pages, not including title page, abstract and reference page.
Total /80


General APA Writing Tips:

In general, there is a 1/2" paragraph indention for the first line of each new paragraph. The APA writing style uses left justify only, is double spaced, and includes a cover sheet. There is a 1" margin on all four sides and header on each page (directions for the 6th edition are below).

There are no blank lines between paragraphs in the APA writing style. To delete the extra lines between paragraphs: in Word, click Paragraph, Spacing, then check the box that says, "Don't add space to the paragraphs of the same style."

To format the header for the first page and subsequent pages of the work in the 6th Edition of the APA Manual: Open a new Word document, click Page Number > top of Page > select Option 1. Under Design, click the box that says, "Different First Page."

Then type "Running head: SHORTENED TITLE [insert the name of your shortened title in all caps] and tab the page number to the right margin. Close the header.

On the second and subsequent pages of the work, click Page Number > Top of Page > select Option 1 and type SHORTENED TITLE [insert the name of your shortened title in all caps] and tab the page number to the right margin Close the header

To see the layout of a sample APA paper, look in the APA Manual, 6th Edition pp. 41-59

For academic writing, the writer is expected to write in the third person. In the third person, the writer avoids the pronouns, "I, me, we, and our." The third person is used to make the writing more objective by taking the individual, "self," out of the writing. This method is very helpful for academic writing, a form in which facts, not opinions, drive the tone of the text. Writing in the third person allows the writer to come across as unbiased and, thus, more informed (APA Manual, 6th Edition, p. 69)

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Marketing Management: Prepare an analysis of the external environment
Reference No:- TGS01767742

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