
Prepare advertisement for a position in your organisation

Use the resources you have been given and your own resources to answer these questions in writing.

Write at least one page per question.

Don’t cut and paste or copy your answers.

Please remember to place your name at the top or bottom of your document and email to [email protected] or print and hand in at Reception.

Choose an organisation that you are familiar with and can easily access if required. You may reference the information gathered in previous training sessions with your trainer to assist you in completing the following tasks.

A minimum one page document is required for each.

1. Prepare an ‘Advertisement’ for a position within your organisation. Ensure the advertisement complies with organisational policies and procedures and includes relevant Legislation.

2. Prepare a ‘Job description’ for a position within your organisation. Ensure the advertisement complies with organisational policies and procedures and includes relevant Legislation.

3. Draft a ‘Letter of Offer’ or Contract for a new employee of your organisation. Ensure the letter of offer includes all relevant pre-employment information including salary, terms and conditions of employment and complies with organisational policies and procedures and relevant Legislation.

4. Create an ‘Induction Checklist” for the position advertised previously within your organisation. Ensure the induction checklist complies with organisational policies and procedures and relevant Legislation.

5. Create a “Performance Appraisal Checklist” for your nominated organisation. Ensure the checklist complies with organisational policies and procedures and includes relevant Legislation.

6. Prepare a brief one page report on the training provided within your organisation, in particular when a new employee commences. Do they conduct a training needs analysis? If so, do you think the training meets the needs of the individuals? Why?

7. Write a short report on the future human resource needs of the business? What changes or suggestions would you recommend over the next 12 months? Why?

What are the current staffing levels? How will your proposed changes affect the organisation in the short and long term?

8. Conduct some research and provide a one page outline on the general ‘purpose’ of Assessment Centres? What types of activities would be involved? Why do organisations use these facilities to assist with the Recruitment & Selection process?

9. Define Psychometric & skills testing. What is the purpose of psychometric testing? How do they assist organisations during the recruitment and selection process? List the positives and negatives.

Checklist for Assessment:

1. Advertisement

2. Job Description

3. Letter of Offer

4. Induction Checklist

5. Performance Appraisal Checklist

6. One page training requirements

7. One page future requirements

8. Purpose of assessment centres

9. Psychometric skills report

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Other Subject: Prepare advertisement for a position in your organisation
Reference No:- TGS01240708

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