Part I
Select one of the following pairs of companies:
- Whole Foods and Trader Joe's
- Southwest Airlines and Jet Blue Air
- UPS and FedEx
- Patagonia Outdoor Clothing and Columbia Sportswear
- Bank of America and Wells Fargo
- Google and Yahoo
- Hilton Hotels and Marriott Hotels
Using the companies' investor Web sites, annual report, or other reliable web source (not a Wiki file); find the mission statement of each of the two companies.
- Prepare a well-reasoned analysis of the similarities and differences of the two organizations based on the mission statement.
- Discuss the quality of each mission statement based on concepts from the textbook.
- Assess whether the mission statement clearly defines the organization and drives strategic decisions?
- Provide recommendations to the leadership team for improving the quality of the current mission statement.
- Discuss the "vision" for each company. Do the companies appear to be heading in the same direction? Explain your rationale and provide support for your position.
Part II
- Select one of the companies in the pair and respond to the questions below. Ensure that correlations are drawn between your responses and concepts discussed in the textbook.
- How does the company respond to the issue of social responsibility? In what kinds of activities does the organization participate? Do you think its activities are appropriate? Explain your answer.
- Prepare a SWOT analysis of the selected company, including at least two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats each.
- Based on the concepts learned so far, provide your recommendation for turning the weaknesses into strengths and the threats into opportunities.
Required Formatting of Paper:
- This paper should be double-spaced, 12-point font, and between five and six pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.
- Title page with your name, the course name, the date, and the instructor's name.
- Use APA formatting for in-text citations and reference page. You are expected to paraphrase and not use quotes other than in identifying the mission statement and vision statement.
- You are required to use the company investor websites and at least two academic or highly respected business publications, to a total of no less than four references.