Prepare a training module for families

Assignment task: Prepare a training module for families on one of the topics listed below. The training module should include a PowerPoint presentation and other handouts appropriate to the training, notes on the information that will be shared beyond the PowerPoint slides, and a resource list for families of where they can find further information on the topic.

Training Topics:

  • Coping with a new diagnosis of ASD, Down syndrome, Cerebral palsy, Spina bifada, or another developmental disability (Select ASD)
  • Understanding your child with high-functioning ASD
  • Understanding your child with autism with a co-occurring condition. Be specific with the condition (e.g., mental health, blindness, Down syndrome)
  • Teaching social cognition to your child with ASD
  • Teaching self-calming to your child with developmental disabilities
  • Making decisions about intervention strategies
  • Supporting siblings of children with a developmental disability
  • The IEP process
  • The transition process
  • Preparing students with ASD for adulthood

Prepare a slide for each bulleted area.


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Reference No:- TGS03428646

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