
Prepare a thorough properly formatted memorandum explaining

Persuasion Presentation Topic Memo (1,000 word minimum)

In preparation for your persuasive presentation, prepare a thorough, properly formatted memorandum explaining your topic. Detail why you have chosen the topic, why you feel it is an important issue, and what you want the outcome to be in terms of audience reaction.

Elaborate on the format that you plan to use and the major points that you will make. Discuss what specific supporting material you will use to bolster these points. Note: As you develop your presentation, it is understood that some of these things might change, so don't consider this written in stone because you have submitted it.

Remember, you must motivate or encourage your audience to perform a task and inform them as to how to go about that performance.
Format your memo consistent with the example in Appendix B, starting on page 561 in the textbook.

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Dissertation: Prepare a thorough properly formatted memorandum explaining
Reference No:- TGS02552346

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