Class Information Sheet
Prepare a term paper pertaining to any policy issue and present competing arguments (pros/cons), as well as your own opinions, recommended policy improvements, and conclusion regarding the policy issue.
You can focus on any policy issue; such as federalism, civil rights, civil liberties, interest groups, models of democracy, a court ruling, eminent domain, livable community issues, general plans, laws and regulations, a government program or project, or other policy issues.
Class Information Sheet
Term paper format/requirements include the following:
Paper title with your name, topic/subject title, class name, and date.
Your term paper must have a minimum of 1,500 words (this would be approximately three pages if single spaced).
Be sure to include (label) and address the following section headings in your term paper:
1. Introduction,
2. Background Information,
3. Analysis/Competing Arguments (pro/con),
4. Observations and Recommended Policy Changes,
5. Conclusion, and
6. References
(identify a minimum of two different references [i.e. text book and other books, interview, web site, newspaper, survey, etc.]).
The writing style is your choice. The term paper style is your decision. The section headings are required.
The term paper will be assessed and evaluated based on the following:
1. Content - complete- ness and accuracy of the information presented;
2. Organization - the logic, order, and readability of the information;
3. Expression - the presence of a personal style and the ability to generate interest in the information;
4. Usage - the use of writing standards and conventions appropriate to the occasion (this includes spelling, punctuation, word use, grammar, etc.); and
5. Following Instructions - such as the minimum word count of 1,500 words, using the paper headings, etc.