
Prepare a sustainable solutions paper


As you prepare to submit your sustainable solutions paper, reflect on the insights you have gained throughout the course, whether from the various analyses of your chosen organization or other course readings and activities. Be sure the recommendations you have given regarding a sustainability strategy for that organization reflect the full benefit of those insights. The lessons you have learned may be ones that prove useful on your continued journey as a scholar-practitioner and they may impact your ability to foster social change.

To prepare, review your SSP to be certain it implements all feedback, provided by your Instructor and colleagues, and meets all the assignment guidelines.

submit your completed SSP. Your submission should include the following (with exact sections/headers per the SSP Template):

1. Introduction (at beginning of SSP after cover page)

2. Executive Summary (at beginning of SSP after Introduction)

3. Revisions to your Week 4 SSP

4. Boids Analysis

5. Industry Evolution Modeling

6. Life-Cycle Assessment

7. Sustainable Value Framework Analysis

8. Conclusion

9. References (Per APA 6th edition manual)

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Microeconomics: Prepare a sustainable solutions paper
Reference No:- TGS01807817

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