1. Prepare a structured product which allows PEN 5,000,000 95% coverage of investment and whose appreciation potential linked to the increase in the Dow (DIA ETF), the product will have a term of 2 years. What relationship can offer between structured product profitability and performance of the Dow Jones? The soles benchmark rate is 7.2%.
Work with strike price of $ 106 and the cost of the call is USD 12.40 and expiration date January 2018
2. Prepare another structured product with day but this time do 100% coverage and whose appreciation potential this linked to a drop in the Dow Jones Index. It is for PEN 5,000,000 and two years. Rate 7.20%
Work with Stirke Price USD 105 and USD 10.60 put and expiration date January 2018."
3. We coberturar an account payable in USD 2,000,000 in two years. The forward two years gives the Bank is USDPEN 4.32, assess whether it is a good choice or coberturamos accounts payable with a synthetic.
Company rates are
USD lending rate Deposit rate 7.5% 2.4% USD.
PEN lending rate 9.5% 6.5% Savings Rate PEN.