
Prepare a static web page that includes the basic structure


Continue to build on the skills of providing Web page content and structure with HTML and Web page style and layout using CSS. Design and develop an intermediate-level Web page consisting of valid HTML content that includes semantic elements, images, and tables.

Use Visual Studio to create a New Web Site. Select the ASP.NET Empty Web Site template to create the Web site. Use the File System Web location to create the Web site at the selected location and give the Web site an appropriate name.

Create a static Web page that includes the basic structure of a valid HTML (not XHTML) document.

Make sure to include
the language attribute of the html element and
the character set attribute of the metadata element.
Name the Web page Unit3.htm
Link to the Unit3.css file used to style and layout the Web page.
Assign "Unit 3 IP" to the title.
Structure the Web page using the HTML semantic elements

Within the structure of the Web page add other HTML elements including at least:

one level-one heading for the page in the header
navigation in the header that includes a
one level-two heading for a table of contents in the header
list of at least three placeholders that
navigate to the paragraphs in the section
implement accessibility guidelines
one level-one heading for the section
three paragraphs in the section
beginning of each paragraph is a placeholder
additional text to lengthen the document
three paragraphs in the section
a return placeholder that navigates back to the table of contents
one figure element in the section to display
Image that implements accessibility guidelines
Copy the image file to the Web site folder.
Submit the image file along with the document.
figure caption
figure element in the section to display
figure caption
table width
table header
table body
at least three table rows
at least three table data
table footer that spans three columns
Use of any inline elements should follow current standards
No style should be applied
Validate the HTML in the Web page.

Develop an external CSS to provide style, presentation, and layout to the HTML document.

Select Website > Add New Item from the menu and select Style Sheet from Add New Item dialog box. Name the style sheet Unit3.css.

Add style rules to Unit3.css to accomplish the following:

Ensure that the semantic elements format in older browsers.

Eliminate the default spacing around all elements.

In the following order, use the Calibri font, Arial font, or any available sans-serif font for the text.

Set the font size for the body to 85% of the browser's default font size.

Set the width of the window to display the document to 950.

Center the text in the header.

Set the font size for the level-one heading in the header to two and one-half times the browser's default font size.

Set the font size for the level-two heading in the header and the level-one heading in the section to one and three-quarter times the browser's default font size.

Set the text to undecorated and one and one-quarter times the browser's default font size when the user hovers over or focuses on the links in the table of contents.

Set the width of figures to 300.

Display figures on the right with the paragraph text flowing to the left of the figures.

Set the margin for figures to the equivalent of one capital M on all sides.

Set the padding for figures to the equivalent of one capital M on all sides.

Display a one pixel black border to the left of figures.

Bold the text of figure captions.

Set the size of the font of figure captions to one and one-quarter times the browser's default font size.

Center the text of figure captions.

Set the padding of all paragraphs to the equivalent of one capital M on the top and bottom and zero on the left and right.

Clear the float of the figures in the paragraphs that return the user to the table of contents.

Center the text of the paragraphs that return the user to the table of contents.

Display the footer in the center of the page.

Set the padding of table data and table headers to zero on the top and bottom and to the equivalent of one-half a capital M on the left and right;

Display a one pixel black border around all table data and table headers.

Center the text in the table footer.

Bold the text in the table footer.

Validate the CSS style rules.

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: Prepare a static web page that includes the basic structure
Reference No:- TGS02544825

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