Make up a web site.
Create a Project Proposal word document stating the basic elements you will include in your website. This stage is primarily a draft. You will modify it in later weeks. Include a cover sheet.
The body of your report must include
site title;
rational or focus of the site;
outline of main elements;
target audience;
design considerations; and
limiting factors.
Prepare a site diagram using Visio including
layout of the site;
page filenames;
links between pages; and
navigation structure.
In Visio, use the Save-As option to create an image file of your site. Copy this image file into your Project Proposal document.
In a separate word document.
Create a site specification based on the information you developed in first document. Make sure to add
mission statement;
how to measure site success;
description of intended audience;
how to determine user satisfaction; and
technological issues that might influence site development.
Prepare a detailed page layout design in Visio including
header area;
link area;
main content area; and
footer area.
This layout will be the main design/template for all of the pages in your site. In future weeks, you will be altering the main content areas as needed.