
Prepare a set of three uml class relationship diagrams

Prepare a set of 3 UML class relationship diagrams highlighting important relations among the discovered classes. Each diagram should give a coherent picture of relations among 3-5 classes. Preferably, these should supplement, rather than duplicate, information in your CRC cards. Collectively, they should involve at least three different kinds of class relation. (In order of preference: generalization, association, composition, aggregation, dependency.

If one of these relation types does not occur in your model, skip it and use another.) These diagrams must be accompanied by explanatory text.

UML diagrams may be prepared using any of the tools listed on the course Library page or with other drawing tools that you may have available. You, not your drawing tool, are responsible for the readability and accuracy of your diagrams.

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Operating System: Prepare a set of three uml class relationship diagrams
Reference No:- TGS0941765

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