
Prepare a risk assessment ra and risk treatment rt in


Assessment Task

Prepare a Risk Assessment (RA) and Risk Treatment (RT) in accordance with Clause 5.4 and 5.5 of AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009, using SA/SNZ HB 436:2013 and IEC/ISO 31010:2009.

RA & RT Background and Context

You have been engaged as a professional risk management consultant to conduct a RA of the three water features and adjacent public realm that are proposed to be installed within the Darling Harbour precinct as part of the Convention Centre redevelopment.

These 3 water features will replace the ‘urban stream' water channel that was opened to the public in 1988. The current ‘urban stream' water feature has water depths that exceed 500 mm . You have been advised that since opening in 1988 there have been no known drowning fatalities . You have been advised that the maximum depth of the proposed water features will be limited to a depth of less than 300 mm and that it will not be emptied at night. You have also been advised that the supervision levels will not be changed and that no life guard is proposed . You have also been advised that the perceived usage will change from passive to active i.e. visitors will be actively encouraged to engage with the new water feature.

Word count limit: The body of this assignment will be in the range of 3000 to 5000 words, excluding any Appendices. You may need to simplify and define the boundaries carefully in order to achieve the word limit.

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Risk Management: Prepare a risk assessment ra and risk treatment rt in
Reference No:- TGS01119024

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