
Prepare a research report on the influence of text message

Prepare a research report on The Influence of Text Message on Formal Writing.

You are required to finalise their research report (total 2000 - 2500 words) in accepted academic format. The Report Final follows on from the Introduction and is based on research from primary and secondary sources. Final submissions must include the following elements:

• An abstract, which provides a complete overview of the report
• The Report Introduction (referenced), which:
  o Provides context and background relating to the topic
  o Explains key concepts and terminology
  o Reviews existing literature regarding the topic
  o Presents the research objective and hypothesis
• A description of the methods used to gather primary research data
• An interpretation of results, which includes a minimum of three [3] graphs or tables
• A discussion and conclusions section, which presents, analyses and compares findings in relation to other research
• Recommendations for further research or implementation of current research findings
• A reference list (for the Report Final only)
• An appendices section, which includes the following:
  o Blank questionnaire with ‘Invitation to Participate in Research' cover sheet
  o Tabulated raw data
  o Printed evidence of sources with relevant sections highlighted (in the order in which they appear in the reference list).

NOTE: The Report Introduction will NOT be reassessed. However, students are encouraged to make changes based on assessor
feedback. Please reference the Report Introduction and the Report Final separately.

Discussion and conclusion
500 words (5 paragraphs)

Paragraph 1: Restate report aim and compare results to aim  - Comparison of results with hypothesis

Paragraph 2: Results supporting hypothesis

Paragraph 3: Results contradicting hypothesis

Paragraph 4: Results unrelated to hypothesis
Use in-text references in paragraphs 2-4
Comparison of results with other research/literature
6 references minimum (you must 'recycle' most sources from introduction) Use reporting verbs (different structures).

Paragraph 5: Conclusion

Restate report aims Conclude whether results are consistent with hypothesis

How has your research contributed to our understanding of this area?

References: The Influence of Social Media on Body Image by LIM Nicole Ying Hwee Feb 2016)

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Dissertation: Prepare a research report on the influence of text message
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