
Prepare a research paper shadow banking in china not in us


This is a reasearch paper for an Economy class.

1. You have to read the instructions before you start working to know every thing about what you have to do.

2. You will choose the topic (Shadow banking in China NOT in U.S)

3. you will have to answer one of the two questions that are provided in the instructions paper.

4. The paper should meets 1,250 - 1,500 word requiement ( excluding title and refrences pages )

5. Refrences include TWO academic sources and SIX or more other credible sources. NOTE: you have to upload all the sources you used with paper. I need to see them.

6. APA style. Subtitles are used to organize the paper. Entirely free of spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors.

7. Well-developed introduction. Sufficient background is included to direct the reader and the central thesis is clearly communicated, worth developing; limited enough to manage.

8. Uses a logical structure appropriate to paper's subject, purpose, audience, thesis, and disciplinary field. Sophisticated transitional sentences often develop one idea from the previous one or identify their logical relations. It guides the reader through the chain of reasoning or progression of ideas. Concludes the paper in a paragraph.

9. Excellent response to the assignment:

*Clearly, logically and effectively presents information learned about the topic.
*Uses appropriate terminology and defines terms where necessary.
*Important and relevant similarities and differences between systems are delineated clearly and discussed.
*Includes relevant and sufficient statistics on pertinent measures of system differences.
*Discussion tells an interesting and informative story about the system. Initial and emerging trends in the system are addressed.

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Macroeconomics: Prepare a research paper shadow banking in china not in us
Reference No:- TGS01594148

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