Assignment -
Prepare a Research Paper and Presentation on given topic.
TOPIC: "New Tax reform (2018) impact on small to medium business owner"
Instruction: Show the impact of new tax reform in USA. Show the difference between the old and new tax. Need at least 5 references.
Research Paper -
- Cover Page
- Appropriate Length (7-10 pages, not incl. cover)
- Introduction
- Body
- Conclusion
- Completeness (description of issue, status of issue)
- Implications for planning and research
- Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation* (any typos?)
- Clarity - does it need to be reread; does it cause confusion for the reader, is it well-organized
- References (well-researched with appropriate cites?)
- Structure (completeness of information)
- Clarity (did your colleagues understand your presentation)
- Engaged with audience (eye contact, etc.)
- Use of Visuals
- Length of Presentation
- Appropriate attire (business casual)