
Prepare a research paper about us movements the paper must

Prepare a research paper about us movements.


• The topic of this paper should be of an in-depth review & analysis of a social issue/movement, past or current, in the United States (can include a local &/or state-based movement, as well) of interest to you, which will not be reviewed in this course.

• Students are expected to write a paper which is no more, and no less than, ten pages typed in twelve point fonts, professional style (i.e. Times Roman or Tahoma) with 1 1/2 inch margins both horizontally & vertically.

• The paper must also include a cover sheet & a bibliography with a total of five scholarly sources (i.e. professional journals, books, Internet, scholarly novels & TedTalks/YouTube clips). Internet (though professional e-journals are considered scholarly), magazines, personal interviews or conversations are not examples of scholarly references. Your five references cannot include any of the course content. Instead, they must all be new sources. If you have any questions or concerns about your reference selections, please speak with me, first. These same five scholarly sources are to be cited, correctly, in your paper (not including your photos).

• Additionally, you must use the MLA, APA & Chicago) citation format for this paper.

• The paper should answer the six basic questions of who, what, when, where, why & how.

• The use of photos (with proper credit given to the source) is also required, but is, of course, deducted from the paper length requirements. There should be a minimum of three photos.

• This paper is to be a scholarly, or research, paper. It is neither an informative or descriptive paper. Nor is it an opinion or comparative paper.

• The following are examples of what should not be included in this paper; contractions such as "don't" &"can't", instead, the contraction should be spelled out ("do not" or "cannot") or slang/street language such as "ok", "tripping out", instead, other word choices should be used ("alright" or "behaving strangely").

• Additionally, please take care not to over-use words such as "like", "that", "had" & other grammatically incorrect statements such as "me myself".

• Please note, grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation, format, coherency of thought & clarity of expression will all be taken into account when grading this paper assignment.

• Please utilize your library & student writing support services if you are unsure of where to obtain appropriate resources &/or if you are uncertain about your writing skills & just want free editing advice. I encourage all of you to first write a draft of your paper, take a break, re-read your first draft & then make corrections before submitting your written work.

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Essay Writing: Prepare a research paper about us movements the paper must
Reference No:- TGS01553004

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