Teaching sex education can be challenging because of the breadth and range of possible topics, especially at higher grade levels. Review the following topics and write a paragraph long reflection for each topic, which includes (1) how comfortable you feel discussing each topic and (2) how you can prepare yourself to teach each area.
? Reproductive anatomy and physiology (e.g., male and female reproductive systems, menstruation, nocturnal emissions)
? Sexual development (e.g., physiological development [puberty], psychological development, cultural and societal influ ences, sex roles)
? Human reproduction (e.g., fertilization and conception, prenatal development, pregnancy, childbirth)
? Family life issues (e.g., parent-child relationships, parenting skills, marriage, divorce, single parenting)
? Relationships and interpersonal skills, including decision making, assertiveness, and peer refusal skills
? Responsibility regarding sexual activity, including addressing abstinence and how to resist pressures to become prematurely involved in sexual activity
? Contraception and/or birth control
? HIV infection and other sexually transmitted infections
? Sexual abuse and assault (e.g., date rape, incest, child sexual abuse, sexual harassment)
? Controversial issues (e.g., abortion, homosexuality, pornography)