Prepare a report that you will share with your partner

Business Assignment

You are a partner of a high-tech company in Portland, Oregon. Currently, your company is looking for a manufacturing site. You've considered Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore as potential sites; it behooves your company to conduct country risk assessment (CRA) for Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore. CRA is a screening tool that let you know which country to avoid doing business with due to the high risks it poses.

For this assignment, you'll need to select your criteria and explain why those factors may affect your business. Which country presents the least risk possible based on your criteria? Deciding on what criteria is up to you and your partner and your business needs; this is part of the assignment.

Compare and analyze these criteria for the countries, Vietnam, Malaysia and Singapore.

Prepare a report that you will share with your partner and your board of directors. Your report needs to include introduction, countries' analysis and recommendations. It may also include relevant charts and images.

Putting-together your report professionally is part of the assignment.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

Attachment:- CRA-Image.rar

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Business Management: Prepare a report that you will share with your partner
Reference No:- TGS02108105

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