
Prepare a report outlining the potential problems between

Underhand plc is a large multinational clothing manufacturer whose production is based in China and Morocco. The company is seeking to improve its image through a worldwide advertising campaign. Prior to selecting an advertising company the Directors are concerned about the issues and problems they might face.

You are required to:

a. Prepare a report outlining the potential problems between Underhand and the government of a prospective new market.

b. Identify and evaluate the arguments that Directors may face if interviewed about globalization.

c. Outline the economic case that Directors may use to argue that their presence in a country is beneficial to that economy and evaluate the counter arguments.


a. You are required to use the lecture slides as the basis of your response, any further reading etc must only be additional to the slides.

b. The wordcount is 2500. A 10% margin (250 words) is allowed to cover for references, titles etc and anything that might not be considered content. If you are over this absolute limit of 2,750 then reading of the main text will stop short by the overage. This typically means that the conclusion of the final element will not be read and marks deducted for not having a conclusion within the wordcount.

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Marketing Management: Prepare a report outlining the potential problems between
Reference No:- TGS01253685

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