
Prepare a report of marketing fundamentals - in these we

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Prepare a report of Marketing fundamentals

In these we got three sections each should be of 800 words or above and 4th section conclusion can be less words.

Assessment will familiarise students with the major components of a marketing plan. In addition to understanding common marketing frameworks, students will develop their research, problem solving, critical thinking skills and teamwork skills necessary for the workplace.

Your group will be allocated a company to be the focus of this assessment. As a group you will assist each other to complete these sections, including comprehension and research of each section. The report is divided into sections to assist division of workload and evaluation.

Sections are detailed below:
 Section 1: Cultural Forces Analysis, Segmentation, Promotion Strategy and Reference List.
 Section 2: Competition, Political/Legal Forces Analysis, Positioning, Price Strategy and Reference List.
 Section 3: Technological Forces Analysis, Target Market, Product and Place Strategy, and Reference List.
 Section 4: All Team Members will complete the Title Page, Table of Contents, and 1 page Executive Summary and Introduction, Conclusion, and one Peer Evaluation per group member.

In the case where one team member ceases contact and/or contribution to the group work, the group must notify and consult with the Lecturer as soon as possible. To help identify freeloading, all students will submit a peer evaluation in both PART A and PART B.

Submission Requirements

Before submission, you ensure the submitted work satisfies the following requirements:
- Use the Report template.
- Fill in the group charter and adhere to the assigned section.
- Submit one report per group.
- Correct Harvard referencing used.
- Typewritten and submitted to Turnitin before the due date.
- Each section should be between 800 - 1000 words (excluding Section 4).
- 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 spacing.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary

Section 1
1.1 Cultural Forces Analysis (Macroenvironmental Analysis)
1.2 Segmentation Overview (Customer Driven Strategy)
1.3 Promotion Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)
1.4 Reference List for Section

Section 2
2.1 Competitor Analysis (Microenvironment Analysis)
2.2 Political and Legal Forces (Macroenvironment Analysis)
2.3 Positioning (Customer Driven Strategy)
2.4 Price Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)

Section 3
3.1 Technological Forces (Macroenvironment Analysis)
3.2 Target Market (Customer Driven Strategy)
3.3 Product Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)
3.4 Place Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)
3.5 Reference List for Section

Section 4
4.1 Conclusions

Section 1

1.1 Cultural Forces Analysis (Macrocnvironmental Analysis)

[Define Cultural macroenvironment forces and explain their relevance to marketers. Examine the attitudes and behaviours of the market in your industry. All research should be referenced properly using in-text citations - ask if you do not know what this means].

1.2 Segmentation Overview (Customer Driven Strategy)

[Define segmentation and explain its role when developing a marketing strategy. Explain how your market is segmented and identify key segmentation variables: geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioural. Give each segment a title].

1.3 Promotion Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)

[Examine the main promotion tools currently used by your company. Identify the media type and media vehicle used in all examples from your company including current and/or regular campaigns, regular communication platforms and branding messages. Discuss if this is appropriate to reach their target market and justify recommendations].

1.4 Reference List for Section 1

[In alphabetical order, provide the full reference for all citations in Harvard standard format. Ask either your lecturer or the librarian if you are unsure how to use Harvard style referencing. YourTutor and the AIH learning support officer can also assist with referencing. References are not included in the word count].

Section 2

2.1 Competitor Analysis (Microenvironment Analysis)

[Identify and analyse your competitors, their value propositions, and strengths and weaknesses.]

2.2 Political and Legal Forces (Macroenvironment Analysis)

[Define Political and Legal macroenvironment forces and explain their relevance to marketers. Discuss political and legal issues that influence business operations in your industry. All research should be referenced properly using in-text citations - ask if you do not know what this means].

2.3 Positioning (Customer Driven Strategy)

[Use information from the competitor analysis to explain the competitive advantage of this company and identify the points of difference. Present these benefits through the structure of a positioning statement: To (insert target segment and need), (insert company) is the (insert concept), that offers (insert point of difference).

2.4 Price Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)

[Research and examine your company's main price strategy currently used. Discuss if this is appropriate to reach your target market and justify recommendations].

2.5 Reference List for Section 2

[In alphabetical order, provide the full reference for all citations in Harvard standard format. Ask either your lecturer or the librarian if you are unsure how to use Harvard style referencing. YourTutor and the AIH learning support officer can also assist with referencing. References are not included in the word count]

Section 3

3.1 Technological Forces (Macroenvironment Analysis)

[Define Technological macroenvironment forces and explain their relevance to marketers. Discuss recent technological advancements that are changing or are predicted to change customer attitudes and behaviours in your industry. All research should be referenced properly using in-text citations - ask if you do not know what this means].

3.2 Target Market (Customer Driven Strategy)

[Drawing on segments identified in Section 2, identify the target market/s your company has selected. Describe your target markets using the segmentation characteristics. Consider your competitive advantage and evaluate this selection].

3.3 Product Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)

[Examine your company's product offering. Discuss if this is appropriate to attract and retain your target market and justify recommendations].

3.4 Place Strategy (Marketing Mix Strategy)

[Examine your company's place/distribution strategy. Discuss if this is appropriate to reach your target market and justify recommendations].

3.5 Reference List for Section 3

[In alphabetical order, provide the full reference for all citations in Harvard standard format. Ask either your lecturer or the librarian if you are unsure how to use Harvard style referencing. YourTutor and the AIH learning support officer can also assist with referencing. References are not included in the word count]

Section 4

4.1 Conclusions

[Summarise the report purpose, key findings, strategies and consolidate your recommendations - .5-1 page in length].

First you need to draft a report.

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Dissertation: Prepare a report of marketing fundamentals - in these we
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