Assignment Purpose:
It is important to understand how to locate, read and analyze collected data
Assignment Description
Your facility has received a 5 million dollar donation; however, there is one condition applied to the money. The money must be used to help prevent fetal and infant mortality.
Step One: Go to cdc website for mortality data from the national vital statistics system. Select and read through various reports. You may want to start with the NVSR, Volume 64
Step Two: Prepare a proposal on how the donation should be invested to help prevent fetal and infant mortality.
Identify at least three ways to investment the money (think about things like educational sessions, free or low cost prenatal care, making resources available, etc).
Use statistical data and analysis of the data found in the reports as support for your decisions.
Step Three: Submit your proposal for grading (NOTE: This should be in the form of a proposal not a paper)