Prepare a proposal for your workplace in Construction Consulting that details the implementation of a management philosophy or program of your choice designed to improve your workplace in Construction Consulting. Be specific in what you propose and be able to convince your organization that there is both theoretical and practical support for your plans. Also demonstrate what benefits will result and how the results will be measured.
The goal is to analyze your workplace and come up with a plan to make your company function more effectively.
If you think your company can’t be improved, you will need to identify the organizational structure or design that constuction consulting is currently using and what the results of a structural (design) change would be.
The body of the paper should be 10 – 15 pages, double-spaced, in APA format. The paper will include details of a plan designed to improve your construction consulting operation. This proposed plan will identify the company’s issues that inhibit some aspect of the operations and provide recommendations to address those issues. Be specific in what you propose and be prepared to convince upper management that there is both a theoretical and practical support for your plan. Also, demonstrate whyat benefits will result and how the results will be measured. Any reference to sources used must be in APA format.
The paper will need to include, as a minimum, the following components:
1. A short description of Construction Consulting and what it does.
2. Identify the type of structure (design) under which Construction Consulting currently operates.
3. A description of the problems facing Construction Consulting and/or areas in which a structural change would help the operations. If there are none that you can identify, explain in detail how Construction Consulting is structured including (but not limited to) management hierarchy, information flow, customer interaction, and speed of response to both customer needs and the external environment.
4. Based on current organizational theories (from the textbook), describe how the identified problems affect the operation.
5. Based on current organizational theories, provide a detailed proposal for correcting the current issues. The proposal will not only identify the proposed solutions but also support those solutions with convincing explanations of why the solutions would be effective and the anticipated results. The proposed solutions should draw on concepts presented in the book and outside resources (not copied but with your own words).
Identify at least two possible structural or design changes and how each of those changes would affect the company’s operation in at least two different areas (for each change).