Prepare a project planning report on data encryption using LSP steganography image
Title of the project:
Multiple Signal generator for communication system Using Matlab.
Area/Discipline of the Project:
The project is designated as educational tools such as in the colleges or training institutions, to give a clear understanding of signals types.
Brief Description:
The project uses Matlab program to identify different types of signals as an educational tool. The Matlap is used to design icons and each icon represents one type of signals so when the icon is pressed pop up options window appear to adjust or select the frequency, wave length,...............etc. Then, the teacher or student selects the required options after confirmed the options the signal illustrated on the screen of Oscilloscope that connected to USB port of laptop or computer. The teacher or student can change the signals by pressing icons or change properties of signals from options window to compare and understand the role and effect of each option or property in the signal shape. The program to be available to all students via URL link.
Objectives: (Objectives are written based on the output of the project)
Objectives of this project are as follow:
(i) One application generating many signals (sin, cos, square, triangle, DC with positive and negative, AM, FM, SSB, DSB-SC, random signal, random binary signal).
(ii) Educational tool that helps in teaching signal types.
(iii) To be available in the network to be used by students, teachers and other.
Approximate Budget:
Only the cost of the Mat-Lab program and its hardware.
Gantt Chart: