
Prepare a program an organisation can use to support

Prepare a program an organisation can use to Support Workers and Conduct workplace debriefing.

You will need to:

1. create a tool that can be used to monitor stress and emotional wellbeing

2. prepare a standard that can be used to benchmark performance in monitoring stress and emotional wellbeing

3. develop a self-assessment tool that can be used by workers to monitor stress levels

4. develop a feedback gathering tool

5. develop a procedure or plan for conducting a debriefing

6. develop a set of questions and list the techniques for conducting a debriefing

7. develop a checklist for indicators of risk

8. develop a pro-forma for recording the outcome of a debriefing

Each of the tools should be about **** 1 page in length****.

Demonstrate the effectiveness of your tools by applying them to one of the following:

A scenario provided by your assessor

A real-life situation

The following scenario.

You might need to create your own information to fill in the gaps between the scenario and information that might be uncovered during a debriefing. Any information you add should be in keeping with the scenario. AYou work for an organisation that employs several people at a service counter at the front of the building. The rest of the staff are in offices and areas behind the counter. The counter area is partitioned off the main area with a wall. To get from the counter to the main area people have to go through a door that is locked to the counter side (staff need a key to go from the counter to the main area). People from the main area do not need a key to get to the counter.

On Wednesday, 5th January this year, a youth entered the counter area and demanded drugs and money. The youth was carrying a blood filled syringe and claimed it was infected with HIV. He threatened the three people behind the counter with the syringe, saying he would stick them if he didn't get what he wanted.

The two people furthest from the youth managed to unlock the door and escape. The lady who was closest to the youth was unable to follow. He lunged at her but luckily she did not receive a needlestick injury. When it was obvious there was no money behind the counter or drugs he fled.

The two workers who fled are shaken. The lady who faced the assailant is pale but says she is fine.

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Business Management: Prepare a program an organisation can use to support
Reference No:- TGS02862985

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