
Prepare a professional resume and cover letter your resume

Company Profile Assignment

The Assignment:

1. Choose a company that you think you might like to work for (but are not currently working for), or is of interest to you, and conduct primary research on their policies and practices around corporate social responsibility (CSR). The company you choose must operate in Canada, preferably headquartered in Canada.

The company should have a reasonable amount of information available to you through your primary research. This could include research through the company's website, news articles, and other sources of information.Choose Apple

2. secure an interview with a person in your chosen company at an appropriate level. The person you interview must be quite familiar with the company's policies and practices in regards to the assignment, that is, the company's approach to CSR. Approximately 30 minutes should be sufficient for the interview.

3. Prepare interview questions, in advance, that will enable you to explore the topic with your interviewee. Appropriate questions may be drawn from the results of your research and/or course text material. Make up the interview questions. Don't use the questions from the sample.

4. Prepare a professional resume and cover letter. Your resume must meet the standards of the Capilano University School of Business. Maja Horgas, Career Services Advisor, will provide information concerning this part of the assignment.

The Submission:

1. Complete a maximum 8 pagereport. The title page, table of contents, reference page and other attachments are not included in the page count. The report will include the following information:

a) A short description of the industry sector and the company'sproducts and/or services.

b) An explanation as to why you were attracted to research your chosen company.

c) An analysis of the company's policies and practices on Corporate Social Responsibility. The analysis includes both primary research and interview data.

This part will be the majority of the report. Be sure to explore and report on how the company measures its CSR impact.

d) An explanation of how the information you gained through the interview compared to the information gained through your primary research doneprior to the interview.

e) A description of your key learning gained though the assignment.

NOTE: As this is a research assignment, proper citation is an important aspect of the assignment. All research used in the paper must be appropriately cited using APA format

2. Your paper will be formatted with font 12, 1" margins, 1.5 spacing.

3. Your paper will include the following attachments:

a) Your resume.

b) The list of interview questions used (not a transcript of the interview).

c) Your interviewee's business card.

d) References

The Group Debrief and Presentation:

4. In assigned groups you will discuss, one at a time, your individual research findings focusing on your company's stated CSR strategies and the correlation of the initial research findings to the information gained through the interview. You will also discuss what you learned in carrying out the assignment.

During the debrief, each group requires a note taker to record the key points discussed and what each person learned from doing the assignment.

Following your individual presentations, as a group you will prepare a short presentation that will provide the class with an overview of your discussions. The objective with this is to give the rest of the class a sense of what were the key points from each person's experience. Your group will be marked against meeting the above objective.

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Marketing Research: Prepare a professional resume and cover letter your resume
Reference No:- TGS02482345

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