Prepare a powerpoint presentation about nascar - camping

Prepare a powerpoint presentation about NASCAR - Camping world.

You should include:

• the beginning of the sport
• major highlights to date
• some of the rules
• the type of participants
• the current state of the sport
• the type of people that watch the sport
• important social and economic impact factors (why is the sport important to the local economy and or what social impact is there)
• other pertinent factors that make the presentation interesting
• 10-12 slids

APA References Project


Byrd, T. (2013). Lost Drag Strips: Ghosts of Quarter Miles Past. Forest Lake: CarTech Books.

The currency of the book sees effective sources being used in gathering the required information while the relevance looks at the audience as people that lack enough information on the Drag racing and the strips that were used for the same purpose. The author has vast knowledge in the field and even gets the first hand information and that insists on the accuracy. The purpose is to educate the audience on the lost drag racing strips that existed in the past.

McClurg, B. (2013). Diggers, Funnies, Gassers &Altereds: Drag Racing's Golden Age. Forest Lake: CarTech Books.

The book relies on first-hand information, the photos that all shows the history of the drag racing. It assumes that the audience needs to know more accurate information about drag racing and it does so. The author is a renowned photographer and has dealt with multiple magazines just to enhance his authority and the accuracy of the book too. Lastly, the book aim at sensitizing the audience and enrich them on the nature and the history of the drag racing.

Journal Articles

Cobbs, J., &Hylton, M. (2012). Facilitating sponsorship channels in the business model of motorsports. Journal of Marketing Channels, 19(3), 173-192.

The journal relies on credible sources to capture the nature of the marketing and sponsorships too. The relevance of the journal article is evident since it looks at the way the motorsports get the sponsorship deals. Besides that, the authors also have vast knowledge in marketing as well as the motorsports making the book have the accuracy since it is also peer-reviewed. Lastly, it shows the detailed steps that the motorsports follow in ensuring that they have the required sponsorships.

Gailey, E. D., & Young, J. A. (2012). An examination of marketing channel conflict and cooperation in the motorsports industry. Journal of Marketing Channels, 19(3), 212-228.

The article is quite current and looks at how the marketing channels work and that shows how relevant the topic is since the issues touch on the industry. The authors are also qualified and they compile some appropriate sources that make article more effective too. Lastly, the purpose helps in showing how effective the marketing channels are.

Web Only

Anderson, B. (2016). Is F1 too boring for the modern world? Retrieved June 27, 2016, from Autosport:

The article is current and captures the low attendance rate that has been evident in the stadiums in the recent time. In this case, it is relevant since it captures the issues that have been evident in the industry. The author is also well familiar with the field and he uses the attendance rate of the stadiums to insist on the accuracy of the article too. All in all, the author wants to warn the stakeholders and reveal that the industry is declining.

Spurgeon, B. (2016). Team Owners Invest in a Passion for Racing at Le Mans. Retrieved June 27, 2016, from The New York Times:

The article looks at issues that are touching on motorsport industry. Besides that, the article was quite relevant and talked about the recent behavior of the investors to place their funds in the motorsports as well. The author is quite familiar with the sports and a number of people are wishing to invest in this field showing how accurate it is. Lastly, the article looks at the recent investment by the various celebrities as well.

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