Prepare a plot of the cpi data

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Q: How do I prepare a plot of the CPI data. The data provided is as follows:

Month 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
1 134.6 138.1 142.6 146.2 150.3 154.4 159.1 161.6 164.3 166.6 175.1 177.1 181.7 185.2 190.7
2 134.8 138.6 143.1 146.7 150.9 154.9 159.6 161.9 164.5 168.8 175.8 177.8 183.1 186.2 191.8
3 135.0 139.3 143.6 147.2 151.4 155.7 160.0 162.2 165.0 169.8 176.2 178.8 184.2 187.4 193.3
4 135.2 139.5 144.0 147.4 151.9 156.3 160.2 162.5 166.2 171.2 176.9 179.8 183.8 188.0 194.6
5 135.6 139.7 144.2 147.5 152.2 156.6 160.1 162.8 166.2 171.3 177.7 179.8 183.5 189.1 194.4
6 136.0 140.2 144.4 148.0 152.5 156.7 160.3 163.0 166.2 171.5 178.0 179.9 183.7 189.7 194.5
7 136.2 140.5 144.4 148.4 152.5 157.0 160.5 163.2 166.7 172.4 177.5 180.1 183.9 189.4 195.4
8 136.6 140.9 144.8 149.0 152.9 157.3 160.8 163.4 167.1 172.8 177.5 180.7 184.6 189.5 196.4
9 137.2 141.3 145.1 149.4 153.2 157.8 161.2 163.6 167.9 173.7 178.3 181.0 185.2 189.9 198.8
10 137.4 141.8 145.7 149.5 153.7 158.3 161.6 164.0 168.2 174.0 177.7 181.3 185.0 190.9 193.2
11 137.8 142.0 145.8 149.7 153.6 158.6 161.5 164.0 168.3 174.1 177.4 181.3 184.5 191.0
12 137.9 141.9 145.8 149.7 153.5 158.6 161.3 163.9 168.3 174.0 176.7 180.9 184.3 190.3

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Operation Management: Prepare a plot of the cpi data
Reference No:- TGS02038291

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