
Prepare a paper on effective outcome of traditional and

Prepare a paper on Effective Outcome of Traditional and Virtual Teams

Both traditional and virtual teams are made up of a group of individuals working together to achieve a common pre-define goal. Traditional teams also known as conventional teams, consist of individuals working in close proximity, they usually communicate with each other on a face to face basic. Virtual team members are usually separated by physical distance but are connected by shared goals and members interact with each other mainly by the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools. Because virtual teams generally consist of members across geographic lines, cross-culture barriers and time zones, working as an efficient team is more complex and require highly skilled leaders. In this paper the author present examples of successfuland failedoutcomes of these two teams and analyze the reasonsfor the respective outcomes.

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Case Study: Prepare a paper on effective outcome of traditional and
Reference No:- TGS01132872

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