
Prepare a network diagram that have a new billboard or tv

WBS Brewery Website

Prepare a network diagram based off the following-

1.0 Location management
1.1 Make sure the outreach is there continuously
1.2 Clean computers/servers everyday
1.2.1 Clean the desks the computers sit on
1.2.2 Ensure server room is kept clean, and HVAC is working properly.
1.3 Ensure UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) is clean and serviced
1.4 Make sure that the building being used to house the brewery website is clean every day

2.0 Continues advertising
2.1 Talk with radio shows
2.2 Pay the monthly fee for chosen domain
2.3 Have a new billboard or TV ad every month
2.4 Respond to customer feedback on the website if any
2.5 Manage and respond on social media pages (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

3.0 Continues communication Stakeholders
3.1 Talk with owners about desired product advertisement
3.2 Talk with photographers
3.2.1 Look to photography majors at schools
3.2.2 Look to freelance photographers
3.3 Talk with programmers
3.4 Talk with graphic designers

4.0 Technology Equipment 4
4.1 Purchase servers and set up cloud backup
4.1.1 Purchase back up server hardware
4.1.2 Purchase back up computer hardware
4.2 Make sure internet connection is always steady (best local company)
4.3 Ensure automatic notification protocols are in place, to alert staff of any website downtime (text and email alerts).

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Computer Networking: Prepare a network diagram that have a new billboard or tv
Reference No:- TGS02481203

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